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God's Preparation for Further Church Growth

Pr Ooi Chin Aik

Make a difference. Challenge the status quo through prayer.

Advance the gospel. Evangelise.

Acts is about the continuing work of Jesus through the Spirit.

When the church prays, we move to a new spiritual normal.

Acts 9:31New International Version (NIV)
31 Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.

Foundation for world missions
1) Conversion of Saul - Apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:1-31)

Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-9). His conversion was real.  
Make sure our own conversion is genuine. It involves a personal encounter with Jesus. We have our own story to tell. The Spirit will empower us. We live to glorify Him. Our lives are transformed. 

The roles of Ananias and Barnabas (Acts 9:10-25, 26-30)
All great ministries need people to encourage them. Cheer their ministries.

Church spread throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria as having 5 characteristics:-

i) It was a time of peace and consolidation. Build our inner life instead of programmes so that when the storms hit, we are rooted in Jesus. 

ii) Strength

iii) Encouragement

iv) Growth

v) Encouragement

Live in the fear of the Lord.

2) Conversion of Cornelius (Acts 9:31-11:18) - First Gentile convert

3) Expansion and Opposition (Acts 11:19-12:24)
The Lord is preparing the church for worldwide missions. 

But there will be persecutions.

Time of peace is a time to strengthen ourselves. 

God can use us. In the eyes of God, we are somebody. Every non-believer is a mission field. 

Our God is soverign. He is a real King.

The church is His primary agent.

We are His witnesses.

We shall be triumphant. We shall be overcomers.

Nothing can happen in Malaysia without the Lord's permission.

Thank God for the church in the country. 

Pray that the church will be faithful and not play politics. 

Ask God for anointing and even more anointing.

Pray that we will be faithful witnesses.

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