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Church Planting (III)

Pr Michael Koh

I began my church planting one by one. Over the years, I began to have partners. We would meet a lot and travel together a lot. We were on a survival mode. We would do healing campaigns. After interceding, we would go out for makan (a meal).

When we pray, we have to tell people, "Don't give up." One time, as we were praying, we believe God was actually touching the spirits in the temple. A very old man came. He was the president of the temple and he accepted the Lord. He had sickness in his knees and he was healed. And breakthroughs started happening.

In Kuantan, we had a Victory House. We prayed together and had fellowships together. During this period, we learned how to pray and we learned how to serve one another as well. We all held everything in common. And we didn't feel poor. The bonds are still there today.

Church planting is the funniest time you would have. You become bonded together and you held each other's backs. One brother couldn't take it anymore and he left. We prayed and we realised how we had down wrong. After a few days, he came back.

There was a lot of drama. Some things would go wrong. One man came while we were all sleeping. He grabbed one of us and threatened to kill him. We managed to get rid of the guy. There were times people would bring stray animals home. There is something about the fellowship that happens among brethren and there is a sense of unity. This kind of relationship lasts a very long time.

You as a leader are a transitional object. Nowadays people don't get discipled. Many leaders are falling away.

In a small church, you have time and opportunity to invest in a small number of people.

Sometimes the whole batch of newcomers are not that good. The more you build up testimonies that are of spiritual substance, the captains and people of calibre will come. Don't be discouraged. God brings people with serious, chronic and long-standing problems and this is the chance to kill the devil. God uses that to become the platform for the next stage.

It is not how gifted you are. It is just that we take the cross of Christ seriously. When you pour out your heart to the person, God begins to show revelations.

Those who are church planters are all-rounders. They have substance.

A church planter knows how to pray through. A church planter knows the heaviness and knows when there is breakthrough. A church planter learns how to do a lot with very little. A church planter doesn't complain. Gratefulness is a great quality to have.

A church planter is always looking for something that is solid that will bear fruit on its own.

A church planter is not somebody who is impressed by events. He thinks about what's the substance and what can this person do. He has nothing to rely on except that Christ in him is the hope of glory.

"Have you considered the fact that the biggest impact comes from not what you do but who you raise?"

Church Planting (I)

Church Planting (II)

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