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Nailing it in...

Dr. Christina Lee

Turn our focus on the unchanging Word of God.

Hold on to God's promises and take instructions from God.

Share testimonies of God's goodness in our lives. 

Take possession of the promises that God has given us in His Word.

Make concerted efforts to overcome the giants, the uncertainties and the negative news that is ahead of us.

His Word is unfailing; His Word is unchanging.

Now more than ever, we need to deeply root ourselves in the Word of God and in the fellowship of His people so that together, let's get connected to each other and take possession of the promises that God has for us.

We really need to seek God's guidance. We really need wisdom from God.

Seek God to lead us or guide us in every big or small decisions that we need to make.

Jesus experienced appalling suffering and real separation from God so that we could enjoy the presence of God.

Fix our eyes of Jesus. Keep our focus on Jesus. Seek the things of God rather than allowing the giants out there to discourage and to scare us and to cause us to be anxious.

Jesus Christ shed His blood for us, carried our sicknesses, took our weaknesses and concerns on that Cross so that we can live. And live differently. 

Set our minds on Jesus and see how we can live differently for Him.

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