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Being Obedient to God's Call

Elder Ho Kien Keong
21-02-2016 (with additional notes/points)

Haggai 2: 6-9
I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations.
The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former.
And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.

Our faith requires us to take action. It requires prayer. God will work through us. God is waking us up from slumber and is exposing us of our convictions.

It is time to ask what is God's call upon our lives. To know the calling, the plans and purposes of God for our lives.

When we know the call of God, something happens to our character. When we decide to follow a certain path, we should follow to the end and not for personal reasons.

Obeying our calling will shape our character and determine our commitment.

Understanding FGA's Calling:
1) A Pioneering Church
[FGA 36th Anniversary Documentary ]

2) A Holy Spirit Empowered Church
[further reference: by Elder Dorai Manikam on 03-01-2016 (1st service)]

3) An Antioch Church 
[further reference: by Elder Dorai Manikam on 05-01-2014 (1st service)]

Ephesians 4: 1
To live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

Challenge to FGA's Calling:
1) Seniors > 55
Our capacity to bless others is so much more. In the Bible, the aged are perceived as resourceful people with valuable gifts to share for the good of everyone. Wisdom is an attribute of the aged who depend upon God. Wise counsel to the younger is a duty of the aged. Both the blessings and responsibilities of ageing are to be accepted with gratitude and in a sense of stewardship. 

2 Timothy 4: 7 

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2) Mid-Life 40-55
Stop and ask God what is His calling for our second half so that we are able to fulfill His calling. Haggai 1: 4 There is a call for significance when we put first things first in our lives. Instead of getting caught up in the routine of life eg building houses, raising families, and that sort of thing, we are reminded that God will grant true blessing when we put His house first. Give God the supreme place in our life. 

3) Youth < 40
There will be a new revelation/greater movement when the church believes in and raises the young people and children, ie younger generation. 

God will use Generations FGA. The older ones will come forward to help the young ones and the young ones will help the younger ones.

Joshua 6
God gave a call to the three generations to go round/circle Jericho silently for six days. Despite all the shakings, they were unmoved. Jericho represented the stronghold to prevent then to enter into the promises of God. They obeyed and believed that God is able to do the impossible. On the seventh day they marched seven times around the city and the priests blew their trumpets. As they shouted, it was a sign of courage, commitment and power. This would serve to teach Israel and God's people of all ages that though we have human responsibilities in tearing down strongholds raise against the knowledge of God, victory is dependent on God's power and faith, and faithfulness to His directions or plan.

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