Pr Raymond Mooi
God is present.
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God dwells in our hearts.
Jesus is Immanuel. God is with us.
John 1:14
The Word became flesh and dwells amongst us.
Jesus is the head of the church.
Jesus is the Lord of our lives. He has taken residence, not only in our hearts, but in our homes too.
We submit ourselves into God's command.
We pray in this way:
Matthew 6
Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.
By the power of His, creation takes place.
Ephesians 2:1
Once we were dead in our sins, Jesus came and quickened us. Jesus makes alive again our spirit man. We become a new person. We were born again not in the flesh.
We are born again of spirit and of water. (John 3)
God is supernatural. We serve a supernatural God.
Let God who is divine come on earth as it is on heaven.
Whatsover is impossible with men, all things are possible with God.
We are born again into the kingdom of God.
We are believers. We are children of God.
We are saved by grace through faith. Jesus who knew no sin became the sacrificial lamb of God that He might deliver us. (Ephesians 2)
Faith becomes the door that brought us into God's kingdom.
The righteous does not walk by sight. He walks by faith. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Are we faithless or are we faith-filled?
Are we living by faith?
Without faith, it is imposible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)
The Church of Jesus Christ, your destiny and our destiny, are tied together.
What we need today is an intervention of God. How do we move the hand of God if we have no faith in Him?
Luke 1:5: A timeline in the history of the earth. In the days of Herod the king, he was a Jew by race but he was vicious and cold-blooded. It was he who made the decree in the spirit of anti-Christ that he has that all male child aged 2 and below must be killed. In the days of Herod the king, the people were oppressed.
In the days of Herod the king, there was a man who was righteous. He was Zacharias and his wife was Elizabeth. In the days of Herod the king, there were people who obeyed God and blameless.
In the 400 years from Malachi to Matthew, the people were left to the harshness of those days. When it looked like no good thing can come through it, John the baptist was born. He was the forerunner of Jesus.
Likewise, today, we have got to have the destiny of our nation in our hearts.
Pray that God would stir our hearts. We get so busy that things that were intended to be blessing became bondage.
We place that first day of the week at the altar of God. Does God come first in our lives?
Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things would be added unto you.
Stop being a consumer and be a producer. Come to give thanks God, worship Him and give our time to Him. Take time to wait on the Lord.
God looks not at the outward appearance. He looks at the heart. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
As a child of God, the greatest danger is in Hebrews 3:19. This is an account in the days of Moses. They were stubborn, rebellious, murmured against God. In v19, they missed God and were cut off from their inheritance. They could not enter because of their unbelief, their faithlessness.
This is what needs to happen. We need faith. See God as who He is--that He is a supernatural God who performs supernatural creative miracles.
When people see the supernatural power of God, it settles all arguments.
There is a thin line between foolishness and faith. We need to be discerning.
These are the days that we would expect more--have faith that God would step in and show His power.
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