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A Church of Three Generations

Pr Philip Mantofa

We are one. We are a church of three generations.

Acts 2:17New International Version (NIV)
17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.

Catch God's Spirit. Some things could not be taught. Some things must be caught. Catch it by faith, with anticipation, with passion.

Young people are arising.

The Gospel will get younger from today onwards for this church of three generations.

1) "Your old men will dream dreams."

For old men, dreaming dreams takes you out of the league of old men and into the league of God.

Dreaming dreams does not equal to having dreams. Dreaming dreams equals to seeing dreams in a dream.

Have you had a dream of dreaming someone else's dreams?

Dreaming dreams means seeing the next generation's dreams in your dreams. It means seeing your children's dreams before they see them, before they are fulfilled.

Age just makes us better, more powerful, wiser and stronger. But we no longer see our dreams in us. We are seeing dreams in the next generation.

I dream of my disciple's potentials before they see them. I dream that their marriages become such a blessing and an example to the world. I dream that they become the salt and light of the world before they get married. 

I have no time to dream my dreams. I dream theirs.

Communicate your dreams for God's sake.

Tell babies what the colours of God's kingdom are.

Tell them what they could become before what they should become.

Communicate your dreams to them in the most loving spirit and your dreams will turn to be the visions of their eyes.

Plant your dreams (seed) and you shall produce visions in their lives.

Speak into their lives. Tell them your basic expections and let them surprise you beyond your wildest expectations.

Elijah was not much older than Elisha. They were both living in the same era.

Old men, be a spiritual father (or leader) to the younger members.

The disciples were yawning and sleeping but Jesus was already on His knees and praying to the Father.

Fatherhood (leadership) is lonely but glorious.

I no longer see my vision in me. I see my vision in them (the younger generation).

I rise before you do. I pray before you do. I find before you seek. I open before you knock.

The Father God lives in us. We can all be old men trapped in a young handsome or beautiful body.

2) "Your young men will see visions."

Every generation is linked to the other too.

They are seeing in the older men's lives what they can become.

By all means, make mistakes but promise me that you make a new mistake every time. Not learning from one's mistake is stupidity and stubborness. Don't make the same mistake twice.

Lead by the heart; not lead by the book. If you don't, then you're not fulfilling the dreams of the founding elders.

Young men, start envisioning your father's dreams.

There is nothing new under heaven. Decorate it with your knowledge and ideas.

Don't do it the same that we have done it. You exist so you could do something new.

Start envisioning a vision that will be greater than life.

Acts 7:55
Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand...

Young men, communicate your visions in the most loving spirit to your fathers and spiritual fathers.

Sometimes their responses might be discouraging. Like Joseph in the Old Testament. Joseph communicated his visions to his brothers but instead of encouraging him, they tried to murder him.

He went to Jacob. His father only kept that report from his beloved son in his heart. That vision had divine seed in him. He (Jacob) should have given instructions to him and guide, inspire, encourage him (Joseph).

He probably thought the young man's visions were too much--his visions were overwhelming and mindblowing.

Joseph didn't see the dreams of his father in his life.

3) "Your sons and daughters will prophesy."

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