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Making An Impact: A Look At The Life of Daniel

Bro Victor Chua

1) Define & Discover Your Purpose

Romans 8:28 New International Version (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

God has given us a purpose and a plan for our lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Paul's purpose was to reach out to the Gentiles.

Nehemiah's purpose was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

What about Daniel?

Daniel made a huge impact upon his time and our time as well.

Daniel was a man who was greatly used by God in his time.

At 15, he was taken captive and brought against his will to Babylon.

For three years, he was immersed in Babylonian culture.

Daniel was taken from an old world view into a new world view.

He was given a new name: Belteshazzar. 

He knew the Torah. He knew of the prophecy of Jeremiah. The spirit of disobedience was strong at that time.

He was very much aware of God's mercy and grace.

His single purpose was to change all that.

God has planted purposes in your life. If you know God's purposes, you can run with it.

Purpose was something that Daniel had deep within his spirit.

2) Decide Now
Principles & Values

He has issue with eating food from the King's table.

He was taught from a young age not to eat food that was not kosher/offered to the idols.

He had a plan to be obedient to God and he stuck with it from day one.

You might be in a situation where you have to decide what you want to do. And that is tough.

"God, what are my values? What is the whole theology on forgiveness? What is love?"

Daniel would not be able to pray that prayer of love and mercy if he did not know the God of love and mercy.

Culture has a way of influencing us.

As a church, we learn what is important in our lives.

3) Discern Your Path
Navigate Your Situations Wisely

Daniel chose to be a vegetarian.

Through the power of God, he was healthier.

When you go through life faced with choices, you have to be discerning with what you do.

Social media is a minefield of broken relationships.

Social media is like a new land.

We need to be the salt and light of the earth.

It is important that we be ambassadors of truth.

Social media has created a lot of untruths and half baked lies.

When we are seen as a special breed of people, people will see it.

4) Declare His Lordship Over Your Life

Daniel had no choice but to depend on God.

Daniel was a man who was obedient to the point of death in the lion's den.

The King gave an edict that no one could pray to other gods for 30 days.

He didn't have to be in the lion's den. He chose to be in the lion's den.

It was a no brainer to close the windows to pray.

He declared the Lordship of God over his life.

Our God is a forgiving God. Our God is a gracious God. Our God is a loving God.

Are we a people of integrity? Are we a people of truth? Are we a people of dignity?

Go out there and make an impact for His glory and you will see your life changed.

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