Rev Colin Chow
When you step out in boldness and do what God tells you to do, God will begin to give you gifts. As you serve, gifts will arise in you. And you will know it. You can learn from other people but don't copy. God has created each of us with our own DNA and identity. You are who you are. You will develop your own gifts and God will give that to you. The recipients receive fruits in their lives. Fruits begin to come forth and appear in people's lives. And God says He is pleased with you. Anointing is producing fruits in people's lives.
We live in a season of divine realignment. God is calling nations, church and people to realign themselves with God's will, plan and purposes.
What is the Issachar Anointing?
1 Chronicles 12:32 New King James Version (NKJV)
32 of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;
You know the times and seasons of what is happening now and knowing what God is doing now. That is the Issachar Anointing.
The word Issachar means hire, reward, compensation, benefit.
Your sensitivity to God is compensation to other Christians because you are able to discern the things around you in the Spirit.
You are a blessing to other Christians.
Genesis 30:14-18
14 Now Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes.”
15 But she said to her, “Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband? Would you take away my son’s mandrakes also?”
And Rachel said, “Therefore he will lie with you tonight for your son’s mandrakes.”
16 When Jacob came out of the field in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, “You must come in to me, for I have surely hired you with my son’s mandrakes.” And he lay with her that night.
17 And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son. 18 Leah said, “God has given me my wages, because I have given my maid to my husband.” So she called his name [h]Issachar.
Rachel is barren. Leah has given birth to four sons.
Rachel said to Leah, "Give me some mandrakes (love plants)."
Issachar means a hire or a reward or a compensation. He is a benefit to people. He is born the fifth son. Five is the number of grace of God. Issachar was a product of the gift of mandrakes. Leah "hired" Jacob from Rachel because of the mandrakes.
The Joseph Anointing:
The sons of Issachar understood chronological time but also spiritual and political time.
They could discern what God was doing and when He was doing it.
God was with Joseph in whatever he did a d reveal to unbelievers in so many situations.
If you have the Issachar Anointing, God is with you. The non-believer can sense God with you.
They knew when one move of God is ending and another was beginning.
They could discern when a leader (Saul) was falling and another (David) was rising.
They could tell who the next leader should be. They knew who to follow.
The Daniel Anointing:
The sons of Issachar exceled in the knowledge of God's law.
As they marched towards their destiny in the wilderness with the sound of the trumpet and in His presence.
Three tribes led the way forward: Judah, Issachar and Zebulun.
Judah - The Apostolic warring leadership Tribe move first. Praise comes first.
Issachar - The Torah, the wise and discerning tribe, understanding the laws of God and bearing the burden for victory.
Zebulun - The financier/wealth tribe, providing the supplies for the journey.
The sons of Issachar understood time and could interpret the Word of God in time and in season. They came into the wilderness and were thirsty. If you have no water, in six hours, you dehydrate and die. God showed Moses a piece of wood. Suddenly they were in Elim. Moses threw the wood into the water and the water became fit to drink. But later they began to grumble and complain.
God wants us to understand and interpret our times so we can prosper in every season and have wisdom to advance.
That's why we need the Old Testament as much as the New Testament.
Success makes us arrogant. A lot of people can't handle success.
We all want to advance but if we don't advance with wisdom, we will stumble and fall.
A big part of walking in God's blessing involves seeing time from God's perspective. The Feasts of the LORD allow us to discern the timing and season of the move of God.
The pagan world saw time as endlessly repeated cycles leading nowhere.
God is moving history to a clear destination. He uses cycles to move us forward and closer to Him.
God's Appointed Times (God's Feasts, God's Holy Days) are His divine appointment. They are times for us breaking into His cycle of blessings that God has for His people.
The tribes were in a tremendous time of conflict and transition. The house of Saul and David were at war for years.
Issachar moving in between Judah and Zebulun, were in a strategically important position to give prophetic insight on how to make this shift.
The Solomon Anointing:
The sons of Issachar understood wisdom and prosperity. They understood what was best for Israel.
You need the Issachar Anointing.
Judah was the fourth son of Leah.
Issachar was the fifth son of Leah.
Issachar was the son of "grace".
With that grace comes humility in order to enable you to have the Issachar Anointing.
You hunger, then comes grace, and God molds your character and DNA. As you begin to serve, you demonstrate gifts. One of the gifts could be the Issachar Anointing.
When you have the power of grace enter into time, many situations are rearranged.
The sons of Issachar ahd the grace to understand how certain structures had to end so that new seasons can enter and God's releasing would begin.
When you start praising God, the Issachar Anointing in you begins to make structures within you to fall and you begin to change.
Examples of Issachar's astute and wise discerning are:
They would discern the times and seasons, and know God's hand was on a Deborah and it was her time.
They supported King David before he became king. They discerned the changing of times and that Saul's time was coming to an end and David's time was coming.
They had the ability to discern the times and seasons.
The ability gave them inside knowledge and understanding of Gods' activities.
They were not taken by surprise. Be ready in season and out of season.
They had influences to rulers and leaders and would be leaders and rulers.
They have the insight, foresight and farsight. They had the prophetic anointing.
The time is now!
All nations in the earth can now become His inheritance.
The time has now come to harvest people and the nations.
You're not going to pray effectively without fully and solidly grounded in the Word of God. Start from the foundation. Jesus is our foundation. God has unfold His prophetic plans through the Jewish people.
Lord, we come to receive, to give you praise and thanks and to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. So that we can come into Your courts. Rain down from heaven this Issachar Anointing. We want to receive it right now in the name of Jesus. Use us so that we can be a help to produce fruits in other people's lives. We are hired by You to minister to others. We are used by You as a reward and compensation to others, our people and our nation. Every good and perfect gift comes from You and we receive it with joy, gratitude and thanksgiving. Let it fill our blood and our spirit so that we can be align with Your will and purposes. Your rule has no end. We declare we are your people. In Jesus name. Amen.
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