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Inheritors (Co-Heirs and Joint-Heirs with Christ)

Pr Adrian Sarwono

Malachi 4:6 New King James Version (NKJV)
6 And he will turn
The hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

The strength of fatherhood is very strong in this church.

The fathers are turning towards the sons (children). But there needs another action for the blessing to come. That is, the children must also turn their hearts towards the fathers. It takes two to clap. If it's only the fathers, then nothing will happen. It is a waste of energy. But if the fathers and the children meet in the middle, there is an explosion. Boom! Something is happening!

There is a unique calling in a church when there is a strong fatherhood spirit in it. Because the fathers and the children are doing something together. It's not just the actions. It is the turning of the hearts of the fathers [and the hearts of the children].

Just before Judges, there's the Joshua generation. Just before that, there's the Moses generation.

The Moses generation was kind of like the startup, the get out of Egypt type of movement. It was like the generation that started up a church. After that was the Joshua generation that carried on.

But will there be a Judges moment for us? If we think of Moses, Joshua and Judges as age groups, then maybe it can happen to us. Normally, we think of Moses and Joshua as the old and young generation in terms of age. If there is a coordination and unity between the young and old, then everything will be okay.

Because of Malachi 4:6, this might not be just about age. This is about spiritual fatherhood. This is about Moses and Joshua, no matter how young or old you are.

There has to be a father within our generation. We should become a Moses that creates the next generation, the Joshuas, in our generation. So it is not just between age groups.

Joshua 24:31 New King James Version (NKJV)
31 Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had known all the works of the Lord which He had done for Israel.

There is a generation that really lives out the name of God in our generation.

But only a few of the Joshuas and the elders are carrying the torch. So the centres of growth are only upon a few people. If only a few people are really anointed, the rest are like partakers.

The Joshuas and the elders think they are on fire but once they are gone, then suddenly everybody goes downhill and everybody sins. There is no heat anymore. There is no anointing anymore.

You need the anointing to grow the church.

But I've been laid hands upon so many times and nothing happens. When I pray for people, no one gets healed.

Until I understand fatherhood. Until I understand about son of the vision.

There are four simplified levels in how you connect to God and how intimate you are to God:
1) Member
2) Disciple
3) Servant
4) Son

Even though you have been serving for many years, this is not how you minister--this is about the condition of your heart.

When you are a member, you do nothing because you are not a son. There has to be an action taken in your heart to move up.

As a member, you have to become a son. Then you can do something with your father. There is an explosion happening.

What does it mean to be just a member? That means you are just like the Israelites in Judges. All you do when you come to church is to just pray for a breakthrough. You just want to be the recipient. You just want to receive miracles. You just want to be prayed for and see signs and wonders to be done upon you. You don't want to do anything else. You just want to be blessed. You just want to be served upon.

You just want the anointing to be put upon you and then do nothing.

But the anointing doesn't stay within your life.

Just like in the days of Judges. One judge goes and the Israelites did nothing.

The Joshuas did something. The Joshuas applied the anointing.

There is still a danger because after Joshua, there is no one else. It's like there is no son. Joshua failed being a father. He was a servant but he wasn't being a father. There was no son being created after Joshua. There's no one there to carry the torch. He was the fire in the room and when he died, the room became cold. The generation became cold. Was it because of age? No, because Joshua didn't become a spiritual father.

Moses raised up Joshua. Moses did his job in his generation. He became the father that turned to the son and Joshua was raised up to become the son and something happened in Joshua's generation. They took Canaan. There was an anointing that broke the walls of Jericho. There was an anointing that destroyed 31 cities and kings. There was a breakthrough anointing. People were released. People were getting their lands and there were blessings all around during Joshua's generation. Miracles happened in Joshua's generation but there was no continuation. It stopped.

Become both Moses and Joshua. Become a father and a son as well. Your spiritual father is giving you a high five and is expecting to clap back. It's like Moses is saying, "C'mon! Let's get out of Egypt and go into Canaan, the land that God is giving us. Let's go from the east to the west, from the north to the south." Like Moses, our spiritual fathers are giving us a new vision.

There has to be an explosion of revival. But it must not stop at this generation. The next generation is the next group of people that you are winning.

There has to be an understanding that you must not just become a son but you must also become a father. You must not just become the Joshua but also the Moses of the next generation and the new batch of people that you are winning, baptising and teaching.

Otherwise they might just be following Christ just because we are there. We are the torch bearers but we never pass the torch to them. We never light them up, we just heat them up.

We must learn from Moses. Moses had a big vision but he did not see it to fruition. He could only see it from afar. He never touched Canaan during his life.

As a son, the anointing can also be passed on to you through inheritance.

Galatians 4:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)
6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, [a]“Abba, Father!” 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir [b]of God [c]through Christ.

You're an heir. An heir is someone who receives the inheritance. An heir is someone who doesn't deserve anything but receives it anyway. An inheritance is something that you get not because you are worthy of it but just because you have the status of a son. An inheritance is not something that you work for because you are smart or good but you get it because of your status as a son.

Yes, you have to work hard, serve hard and minister hard but the anointing comes because you have the heart of a son. When you become a good son, that's when you inherit the anointing. 

The bigger the vision, the bigger the anointing. Don't you think Jesus and Elijah could split the Red Sea? Moses' mission was totally impossible. He had to take 2,000,000 people out of Egypt and into the desert and to sea. Because he had an impossible job, he had bigger miracles.

There is a bigger anointing for you. You are inheriting a lot of miracles. You are inheriting impossible miracles. If it is an impossible job, that means the God of the impossible will give you the signs and wonders. When you become a son, you inherit the same anointing.

From Moses to Joshua, there was a very strong and clear vision that was inherited. At the start of Exodus, there was a vision that was given to Moses. At the start of Joshua, that same vision was given to Joshua. Joshua took it and adopted it although it was Moses' vision. And he became a son, spiritually.

When Joshua received the vision, Moses had already died. Joshua had the option of doing anything he likes. He could even go back to Egypt. But if he did that, he would have all the miracles. It would just be his hard work.

Because he took the same vision and mission, he split the River Jordan. The same miracle that happened in Moses' life happened in another capacity in Joshua's life. There's inherited signs and wonders as well. There's an inherited anointing from Moses to Joshua. 

John 4:34 New King James Version (NKJV)
34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. We should become more like Christ. So we should also seek and save the lost. When we are doing the same as Jesus Christ, that means we are getting the same anointing as Jesus Christ. To get the anointing, you have to serve. To get the anointing, you should adopt the same vision as your spiritual fathers'.

You are growing well when you are doing the Bible, when you are doing the will of God and finishing His work.

Let's do this together.

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