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DWJD (ACLC 2019)

Elder Khoo Kay Hup

We need to abide in Him.

Our belief system affects our attitude. Our attitude affects our behavior. And our behaviors determine our actions. 

To do what Jesus did, we must walk as He walked. We need to love one another.

When we love God and have love for one another, our love for the world diminishes.

God asks, "Do you love My people? Do you love what I love and hate what I hated?"

Can you distinguish that which is of the world and of the devil and that which is from Him?

No way you can do what Jesus did without the Holy Spirit. Don't forget the Holy Spirit! Let us continue on in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

When we constantly abide in Him, we will not sin. Allow Him to circumcise and expose the weaknesses of my own heart.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.

Have a purity of heart, sincerity of love and holiness of walk. God will not show Himself to the wicked and those who do not want to abide in Him.

Keep His Word and His commandments and do those things which are pleasing in His sight.

Let's learn to abide in Him. Serve Him wholeheartedly and bring glory to His name and His name alone.

DWJD: The Applause of Heaven

DWJD: Jesus + The Pharisees

DWJD (ACLC 2019)

DWJD: Jesus and the Tired Fishermen or Which Fire Warms Me? (John 21:1-14)

DWJD: Go Therefore & Make Disciples Of All Nations (Matthew 28:19)

DWJD: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

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