Elder Khoo Kay Hup
To be able to do what Jesus did, we need to move with the Holy Spirit.
What we say exposes our thought life.
Proverbs 23:7a New King James Version (NKJV)
7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
We tend to analyse until we paralyse.
But Jesus is very creative.
The natural thinkers think small. Spiritual thinkers think big.
If your God is small, your problem is big. If your God is big, your problem is small.
Jesus thinks big, and He thinks beyond.
See things from the spiritual perspective. Engage with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 13:31-32 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
31 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, 32 which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”
Do not despise small things. Many times the small things give birth to great things. The unknown ones move heaven and hell. They do great things for God unseen by men.
Sometimes it is the broken people that God uses to make mighty things.
Eg. the Hebrides Revival.
See the possible as you obey God.
When we are faced with an impossible task, many times we want God to remove it for us.
God cannot do the miraculous without an obedient and submissive heart.
God can do the miraculous in different ways. For Elijah, He calls the raven. In this case, He feeds the five thousand.
It is not according to our conditions. It is according to His conditions. It is not according to our expectations. It is according to His expectations.
Who is the Lord and who is the master? We have to examine our hearts.
Spiritual thoughts cannot be activated from a natural will.
It is not from positive thinking. Many times it is presumptuous thinking. It is not scriptural.
Moses went through 40 years in the wilderness. Each one of us will have our spiritual journey.
Unless we are born again, we cannot see this sight of the Kingdom.
After He gave them the Great Commission inM atthew 28, in Act 1, Jesus said, "Wait."
In Acts 2, they began to function in the supernatural.
What the natural man cannot do, the Spirit can do. He will make us a vessel for His glory and His purposes.
For 20 years, the church did not grow. After that the church expanded and exploded. You need the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
And you need to saturate yourselves with the Word of God. Faith can only come by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Our spirit man is weak. How can we move in the spirit if our spirit man is not fed? The mind, will and emotion. We need to bring every thought captive. Use the Word of God to substitute the words of chaos, fear, strive. The Word of God cleanses and then we move from the natural to the spiritual.
To move in the spiritual, it is not about ourselves. Jesus is motivated by His love for the masses. As He moves, God the Father moves.
Faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love.
Only when we move in love and compassion, this will cause heaven to move on earth.
1) Jesus is the Bread of life.
2) Beware of the leaven (doctrine) of the Pharisees.
Everything the Christian does in secret or in public will be made known.
Are we going to continually move in the natural in the last days or move in the spiritual in the last days?
Either we come under the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the parents to their children or the spirit of rebellion (2 Timothy). There is no other way.
Rise up to be the salt and light to bring hope and joy. Before that, God wants to bring healing to us as well.
Walk by faith and not by fear. We operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Do not be fear mongers but be faith movers.
As we saturate ourselves in the Word of God, the love and compassion of God will overflow.
Whatever we do is always for His glory. Then we can do what He did.
DWJD: The Applause of Heaven
DWJD: Jesus + The Pharisees
DWJD (ACLC 2019)
DWJD: Jesus and the Tired Fishermen or Which Fire Warms Me? (John 21:1-14)
DWJD: Go Therefore & Make Disciples Of All Nations (Matthew 28:19)
DWJD: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
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