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Completeness in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)

Mrs. Ang Siew Khim

Our root should be deep in Jesus Christ the Rock.

He is the Rock. We should ground our roots on Jesus.

Know your Bible. Know the complete Word of God.

Feed on the whole Word of God. Don't concentrate on just one teacher. Have a proper spiritual diet. God wants you to use your anointed mind. Jesus is coming back and soon. We must be prepared.

Keep the Word pure. Make sure that you see the good things. Don't listen to all the wrong music when you have Godly music to listen to. Dwell on the things that are lovely and true. Breath the fresh air and atmosphere of God.

And build up your spiritual muscles. It is in adversity (trails and testing) that people build up spiritual muscles. Adversity is good. Train yourself to pass the test and you have a great testimony.

Stay put in your spiritual home and be rooted. Build the house of God. Do not tear it down by our words and actions. You reap what you sow with your words. Pray and improve it if you can.

Be established in the home that God has planted you. Improve the ground. Flourish the ground.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Practise the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit can only sprout and mature if you allow it to. It is supernatural.

Water and fertilise your life with the Word of God and fellowshipping with God, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Have a grateful heart. Thank God for the many things in life. Don't be a grumble, complainer, critical and judgmental. God always puts us there to be the salt and the light. Don't be a salt without taste and a bulb that is fused.

Paul is a well trained, educated and intelligent man. He warned against any philosophy of life based on human ideas and experiences. Be careful of what philosophies you are listening to.

 Christians tend to be very religious. Being religious is we try to please God by our own good works.

Salvation by faith is that in faith in Jesus Christ, we please God and the result is good works. Our character begins to change to be like our Father in heaven.

By faith we are submitted to God, we are obedient and we are saved by grace, not by works to win self approval.

The Holy Spirit enables us to do it. We work because God has given us a calling. We are there to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. In our service, we don't do to get self praise. Ambition makes us jealous and competitive. It is not about ego building. Christ is our vision. 

Do not go on the spirit of condemnation. You are not condemned. You are loved and accepted.

Don't lose your salvation. Remain in Christ and you are saved.

Don't have a sin consciousness but have a God consciousness.

The power encounter is the jumpstart.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

The world is not going to be better. But you can be an overcomer.

Jesus says, "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves." But He gives us the victory. He gives us divine protection.

I pray, O Lord, that every one of us who walks under Your divine protection has no fear in the name of Jesus, every attack by the enemy in our families and in our personal lives, I command them to get out right now in the name of Jesus. Set Your people free right now in the name of Jesus. Take your filthy hands off of our families once and for all. We know that you are the defeated foe. The blood of Jesus Christ covers us.

I pray for everyone who is tormented in their guilt, break that power of the enemy over them in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, that you set them free.

I pray for those in the cycle of failures, I pray for wisdom for them. In the name of Jesus, I break that cycle once and for all and break the hands of the enemy. Take your filthy hands off of his family, of his work and of his wrong thinking, especially, and remove it right now in the name of Jesus.

I pray also, O Lord, that you cover the church with Your precious blood that no enemy comes in to destroy the work of the Lord and that each and every one of us be established in the church and grow strong in the Lord to be warriors for Jesus Christ. We thank You, O Lord, that we will be completed in Christ and be rooted in Christ. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' precious name. Amen.

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Completeness in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)

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