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How Should We Serve Christ? (Colossians 1:24-2:5)

Mrs. Ang Siew Khim

All of us are serving God. Our retirement is in heaven. So serve God to the end.

When you serve God, you have a stewardship straight from God.

Paul was a persecutor of Christians. He hated Christians.

He was on his way to Damascus. God struck him blind and he saw the light. Ananias was told to pray for Paul.

Sometimes when we share the gospel, we only show the blessing.

You all have a ministry.

How many of us rejoice in our sufferings?

To serve God is a paradox. We have to sacrifice. We have to give up something. While we are sacrificing something, we never lose God's blessings. When you are called by God, God provides for everything. You have the confidence in God. You know God is always there for you. Be a true shepherd and servant of God and give God a chance to work miracles in your life.

It is a responsibility. It is a burden. It is hard. It demands your time. Sometimes you want to give up. But it is compensated with a joy and satisfaction because you are serving God, and not serving yourself. All of us should be happy in what we do for God. Just do it for God.

We are rejected messengers. But we bring a message of hope and salvation. We know that this is the way to salvation. Don't keep quiet. We share the gospel because we know we love them even though they might reject us.

God is with us. He who touches you touches the apple of His eye. Never ever persecute another Christian. We pray, plead and ask them to know God for the sake of their own selves.

Suffering is different depending on where you serve.

When we suffer for Jesus Christ, it is for good. Everybody's calling is to share the gospel with our lives, our attitude.

Are you suffering for the right reasons? Are you suffering for righteousness' sake?

Just rejoice.

The mystery would be that Jesus would die on the cross and take away our sin. He fulfilled God's plan. What the devil means for evil, God turns for good. Don't let suffering pull you down. Praise God for that.

We are body, soul and body. The Holy Spirit lives in our spirit. He is cleaning up, making our body healthy if we obey Him. The Holy Spirit is in the cleaning up business in our lives.

Your commission is to share the gospel.

If the devil speaks a lie, it is a lie.

If God speaks the truth, it is truth.

But if it is in the extreme, it is untruth. Many Christians fall in the untruth trap.

In love, we have to correct wrong thinking, wrong behaviour and bad habits.

God's Word stands forever. Don't learn from the influence of the world.

Love the sinner but don't condone the sin. Don't hide behind a face of religiosity because you are only deceiving yourselves.

There are many challenges. Use our God anointed minds.

Saying the sinner's prayer alone is only a start and an acknowledgement.

A Holy People in the Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:1-14)

The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1:15-23)

How Should We Serve Christ (Colossians 1:24-2:5)

Completeness in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)

Freedom in Christ (Colossians 2:16-23) The Attack on a Christ Centred Life

Mentality in Christ (Colossians 3:1-17)

Our Roles in Christ (Colossians 3:18-4:6)

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