Elder Saw Lip Hean
Whether a person believes in God or not is not so important. But the kind of God that he believes in is more important.
God is not some idea that you evolve for yourself and then stick Him in the temple.
God created you and put you in this time and history in order for you to find Him.
Jesus is the image of the invisible God.
What the Bible teaches is accurate. God made man in His image. But man started going in his own way and made God in his name. They want to control God. They made God into their servant. Man wants to try to make God in his image. We have confused ourselves.
Man has an instinctive knowledge of God.
The world tells us we don't know God. We must therefore figure it out.
The Bible tells us the nature of God and who God is.
We have confused ourselves with all kinds of nonsensical ideas.
The world is full of cynics and agnostics. At the end of the day, we have no answer.
Does everything that is inside you and what causes you to think and the individuality of your soul just disappear after we die? Then what is the purpose and meaning of life?
The logic of it is such that for life to be meaningful, there must be existence after death. That is the logic of the cynic.
But the logic that God gives man is unfortunately rejected by man.
God understands that we have been confused. That's why Jesus says He is the revelation of God.
John 1:18 New International Version (NIV)
18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[a] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
John 10:30 New International Version (NIV)
30 I and the Father are one.”
John 14:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
Jesus is the firstborn of creation. It is a title. The firstborn inherits everything. The firstborn and the Father is one. When the Father is not around, the firstborn becomes the patriarch of that family.
The firstborn is also self-existence. God is God. If God is God, there must be only one. If God is God, He must exist in Himself; He cannot be made. God is self-existence just as Jesus is self-existence. He must be holy, just and perfect. God cannot be sinful. If God is light, He cannot exist together with darkness.
We are sinful creatures. That is why you and I today cannot go to God like that. Sinful man cannot come into the presence of God.
But God is also love. He created a way out for us all. All things were created in Him and through Him. God created everything through His Son Jesus.
We are limited in our understanding because of time and space. We cannot conceptualise what is beyond that. What is infinity? If God is God, He has to live outside infinity.
We can only conceptualise that things are solid. We cannot conceptualise God outside space.
Trinity is like a server. How do we access the server? We need a terminal. The terminal and the server is one. It is all connected by optic cables. Therefore the terminal and the server are one.
Instead of having electronic parts, let's conceptualise that this physical aspect is invisible. It is a source of a force. There is connection through a universal WiFi so that all things are one.
The Son, the Holy Spirit and God the Father is one.
When God deals with mankind, He deals through the terminal that is God the Son.
He is going to bring the ultimate creation of the new earth and new heaven (Revelation 21) through Jesus. The creative power and authority of God is through Jesus. Jesus is the centre of it all. Not only is He the creation of it all, He is the ultimate end as well. Ultimately Jesus will bring all of God's plan into fruition.
It is important for us to reach out to God and find God.
The history of mankind is God working out His plan.
Jesus not only creates; He is in full control. Jesus is the sustainer of all things. He holds the entire world and the entire universe together. He holds all the spiritual forces together. He is holding everything and maintaining everything and sustaining everything together.
Whenever we see a disaster, we are so quick to pray for deliverance. Before we pray for deliverance, let us understand and pray for God's will. "Let Thy will be done."
We are dealing with a nation that wants to wipe out the church. We are dealing with a nation that thinks it is so powerful that the power and ability alone can rule the world. Now we are dealing with an enemy that is so small that the eyes cannot see and everyone panics.
Understand where we stand in the light of God's creation. See how feeble and frail our lives are.
At the same time, we are not disheartened. God is still in control. Jesus being the sustainer of all things has two implications:
1) The destiny of the church. Jesus is the Head.
2) Jesus is the first of the resurrection. The destiny of individuals ie you and I are safe in His hand.
Jesus sustains all things.
Some of us feel we are in a hole because of our own foolishness or the steadiness of our foolishness.
Understand that Jesus holds everything together. He is going to deliver you as the perfect bride at the day of judgment. Jesus will deliver you. The consequences are painful but God will provide a way of escape. The testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Jesus is still in control. Like David, go to God. "God, give me a break!"
Man is a fallen nature. Jesus paid the penalty of our sin when He died on the cross so that you and I can be holy.
The Holy Spirit resides in you. That power that rose Jesus from the dead is in you so that you may overcome sin.
Provided we remain in the faith.
Faith without works is dead.
Salvation is like a boat. The boat will take you from this position of alienation from God to a position of unity with God. Jesus is the sustainer of all things. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the resurrection and the life.
By faith, we go onto the boat.
But what happens if we get out halfway?
So long as you come to God with simplicity and humility, you will get there.
Let us focus on Jesus. Jesus is the revelation of God. Jesus is responsible for creation. He is going to reconcile everything at the end of the day. Because He sustains everything and holds it all together, He will bring everything into completion. If you and I are separated from God, today make sure you are on the boat. That is God's plan for salvation. God welcomes you with open arms. Take that step of faith. Come to God and say, "Jesus, I messed up big time. Give me a break. I recognise that You are my Lord and Saviour."
A Holy People in the Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:1-14)
The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1:15-23)
How Should We Serve Christ (Colossians 1:24-2:5)
Completeness in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)
Freedom in Christ (Colossians 2:16-23) The Attack on a Christ Centred Life
Mentality in Christ (Colossians 3:1-17)
Our Roles in Christ (Colossians 3:18-4:6)
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