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DWJD: Do What Jesus Did 2 (of 2) - Catch the Vision!

Pr Philip Mantofa

Mark 16:15-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who [a]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[b] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

When you suspect someone is demonised, you have to test it first in Jesus' name.

You should look out for fruits of righteousness, and not manifestations.

2) Speaking in tongues.

God blesses us with pentecostal blessing because we expect God to do so.

Some Christians have passive faith.

If we don't thirst and hunger for what is written in the Word, things won't happen.

Expect the maximum. Expect whatever God says to happen all the time.

Don't expect accidents but expect deliberate blessings.

The supernatural should be a regular for those who live in the kingdom.

Emphasise the importance of the gift of praying and speaking in tongues.

This gift will give you a new dimension of prayer life and witnessing life.

In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul says when we speak in tongues, we speak to God and not man.

Some prayers better be unknown. Eg. If you pray for your parents, you will run out of ideas to pray for them. You have no idea that they are struggling with the meaning of life. Maybe papa and mama are struggling with each other.

You better pray in tongues. Your prayer may not hit the right buttons but by praying in tongues you can break the 10min or an hour limit because you utter the mysteries of life.

Paul says those who prophesies are greater than those who speak in tongues. He was writing to a church that's abusing the gift. They think they had special power to make people puzzled.

It depends on the function and the purpose. And he interprets it. It is not translation.

When we all speak in tongues the Holy Spirit will interpret it. Even the speakers will interpret it according to the rhythm of the tongue of the people.

Tongues do not get translated and should not be translated.

When I speak in tongues in the morning, my whole day is Spirit-filled.

The whole day becomes interpretation and you begin to download ideas, wisdom and strategies.

You cannot break the code of speaking in tongues.

On this side, it might seem meaningless but on that side, God hears it differently. On this side, it might seem like meaningless words and melodies but on that side, it's how great Thou art in the clearest words.

It means something on the side of those who understand the language. Don't think tongues don't have meanings.

You can fake it for five minutes. After that you know that tongues are genuine. It comes out of your spirit and not your brain.

Speaking in tongues cannot be translated because the words are actually camouflaged.

You cannot go to school for it.

But when you speak it, tongues can even fool the devil and your own brain.

Worship in tongues, move backward and let the Holy Spirit move downward. When we worship in tongues, the Holy Spirit comes down. The worship leader becomes only the facilitator. He no longer worships personally. Everyone worships individually. When everyone worships in the spirit, it is intimacy at its best. The person has his own intimate moment and revelation. And you know everyone is climaxed. That's when every heart surrenders.

Paul didn't try to stop all churches from speaking in tongues. He only tried to stop a particular church in Corinthian from speaking in tongue.

Begin with one on one. Pray for everybody to speak in tongues.

Then God gave me a new strategy. I pray and everyone else follows and asks for the heavenly language of prayer. Have faith. Step out of the boat and you'll walk on water.

When you are faithful on one on one, the anointing on your life will increase.

Only heaven knows the impact you've done on other people's lives. We are not the source. We are the distribution agent. Speak in tongues and they'll take it with them till they die.

3) God will protect you in your mission. 

God will not protect you from all sufferings but God will protect you from defeat.

You are an ambassador of the gospel.

Jesus died in humility and not in humiliation. He died victoriously.

If I am dead for the gospel, remember that I am a hero. Because I followed the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am going to die honourably or peacefully.

I welcome suffering but not defeat. I welcome sacrifice and humility but not humiliation.

4) The Bible records that not only did an object such as Paul's handkerchief have healing power (Acts 19:12), but that even Peter's shadow could heal people upon whom it fell (Acts 5:15-16).

Activate your anointing. Increase and release the anointing in your own life and in other people's lives.

Mark 16:19-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
Christ Ascends to God’s Right Hand
19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

The disciples did what Jesus did. They went out and preached everywhere and the Lord confirmed with them by the signs that accompany them. They went around preaching and came back to their regions. This hit and run strategy is not the best one.

The best strategy for winning a city, a community is to plant a church.

You cannot run far with hit and runs.

Plant a community of evangelism that stays. This responsibility is not placed on travelling ministers but abiding and equipped believers who regularly manifest signs in their lives daily.

Planting a community of faith and planting a people of God that moves with power and signs accompanying those that preach the gospel and continually making disciples and raising leaders and evangelising more.

Now we have a centrepoint of the gospel in each area.

But the workers are few.

Elisha told the widow to borrow as many jars. (2 Kings 4:1-7) More jars, more oil. The pastors are the oil.

When we see the harvest, workers come. Workers are already amongst us. We just have to see the potential in them.

Some leaders only see members but only fathers see their children. Some people see churchgoers but we see potential revivalists.

Leadership is sight. Starting from the oversight. Oversight should be sight overly.

Pastors are the ones who see first the potential of their flock. Their job is not preaching.

Peter said, "How can I stop preaching what have seen and heard?" (Acts 4:20)

When you see an area, you should see a church.

Envision people who have not yet exist in our lives.

God gives them to us. God gives us spiritual families.

That's the beauty of church planting.

Peter was the first to break the ice but he was not the only one. There were others. They were more. And now there are still more.

Act upon your faith. Don't wait till you're older.

It's expensive. It's risky. It's not easy.

You're late! Don't procrastinate.

You're late but not too late. Better late than never.

What's better than mass evangelism? It's believers’ evangelism. You all do what Jesua did.

What's better than the believers’ movement?
The church planting revival.

It's the church planting movement. Otherwise it's just hit and run.

Plant the best. The church is determined by the quality of the seeds.

We do Kingdom work as well. And we could do more. The King's glory is in His followers. They are not for your glory but for the Kingdom's usefulness.

The Kingdom's work is dependent on the local churches.

The most realistic is building up local churches. Then only comes events that enhances the Kingdom work.

Build the local churches. Events can follow later. The foundation of the Kingdom is planting, building, maturing of local churches. Then the signs can go on and on.

Dig wells that continue to flow water.

Catch this vision.

100 churches with 100,000 disciples.

There'll be new missionaries. There'll be new church pastors. There'll be new local churches.

It all starts with the seed of willingness and the desire to be sent by Jesus.

This will be a spiritual activity.

God will see your faith. He will lead you step by step to fulfil this vision.

Do not be weighted by things that are technical.

Say, "Lord, I am willing to be sent."

Obey your great commission!

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