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Healing the Body

Pr James Kawalya

Proverbs 17:22 New King James Version (NKJV)
22 A merry heart [a]does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Proverbs 18:14 New King James Version (NKJV)
14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness,
But who can bear a broken spirit?

What is the connection between the body, the soul and the spirit?

1 Thessalonians 5:23 New King James Version (NKJV)
Blessing and Admonition

23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify[a] you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The body has bones, flesh, tissues, glands, nerves, veins and organs. The body also has systems.

All these parts in the body connect with the same parts in the soul.

All those in the soul connect with the same parts in the spirit.



What you see as sickness in the body, especially those where the doctors say there is no pathological cause, is showing you the state of the man’s spirit.

We need to know how life flows from the spirit to the soul into the body. Whatever we see in our body starts in the spirit as a spiritual substance.

For example, faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

When we believe in God, it comes as a faith in the spirit. In the spirit, healing comes as a substance. It can be released as faith, joy, peace, righteousness but it must go through a system to be converted into medicine.

It starts as a substance of faith. From the spirit, it comes to the heart. And the heart converts it from just faith to peptides. For it to come from the spirit where it is faith, the heart converts it into something. That something is sent to the mind and the mind will tell the brain and the brain will tell the glands and the glands will release the right hormones to heal the organ.

For many people, they have faith but they never touch it; they have faith but they are never healed because they do not understand how the spirit is connected to the soul and how the soul connects with the body.

Where are the connection points?

The spirit connects with the soul through the heart. Faith brings peace, joy and hope to your heart. (Romans 5:1-5) The heart then sends the information to the mind and the mind will begin to see the possibilities. The brain will then command the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is where we find the lymphocytes, a certain type of white blood cells that fight. The lymphatic system will tell the brain that there is not enough lymphocytes and will then command the bone marrow to release more and the body starts to be healed.

This is how life flows from the spirit into the body.

Flow of spiritual life


In the spirit, it begins as destiny, purposes and the will of God. It is part of your destiny to be alive and be healthy, not to be sick.

The heart is the converter. The heart receives power and energy in a spiritual form and converts the spiritual into emotional. It converts faith into the right emotions the bring healing to the body.

Every healing begins with the healing of your heart. People are sick in the body because life is not flowing from the spirit through the heart into the soul and into the body. So if we are to bring healing to the masses, we must know how to be men and women that bring healing to the heart. Some hearts are too faulty that when the power comes to them, there is a backflow. Power goes back to the spirit and crushes the spirit. That’s why we have a crushed spirit. (Proverbs 18:14)

Laughter is medicine to the heart. When you laugh, different positive peptides are released and the body begins to heal itself because of laughing. This is not spiritual as we know it. Laughter that heals the heart converts faith and power in the spirit into the right emotions. We are not healed because we are not in the mood to be healed and our hearts are releasing wrong, negative and dangerous emotions.

Emotion means energy in motion. And energy is power.

The heart converts faith into joy. The joy of the Lord becomes your strength. During the time of prayer and the release of faith, you feel joy in the heart. The joy in the heart is communicated to the mind and the brain then commands the lymphatic system, the endocrine system and the nervous system to connect with the soul and brings joy from the soul to become a physical substance to be released in the bloodstream. The blood now flows to where the organ is sick and the organ receives the medicine. A merry and cheerful heart is medicine.

When you are sick, you get an injection. Injection is the act of putting a certain liquid into a person’s body using a needle and a syringe. That liquid intends to excite a certain organ. It dupes the system and deceives the organ to think it is the brain that is releasing the chemical. When the organ receives many lies, it begins to reject it and becomes resistant. So you are in pain and you take painkillers but the pain won’t go away because the organ has learned about your lie and it begins to send back the lie. That’s what you call side effects.

From the spirit, it goes into the soul and creates a desire. Jesus would always say that you have faith but have you converted it into a desire?  Do you have the zeal and the inspiration? Do you have the inner drive or the afflatus?

The mind picks the desire in the soul and sends it to the body as a dream. The dream intends to tell the brain to do the right thing.

From the spirit, power and energy may come as blessing. Blessing is spiritual substance. You can be blessed in the spirit but poor in the body. Blessing is converted from the substance called blessing into the right emotion of the blessed and into the right confession until it manifests.

Interrelation of the spirit, soul and body
Our entire being (spirit, soul and body) are intimately related in all parts. There is a spiritual heart as well as a physical heart.

The way the natural body is assembled is similar to how the spiritual body is put together. Your soul is exactly as you are in the body. Your spirit is exactly as you are in the body. The three are connected. Your spirit and your soul are connected by a silver cord. The silver cord breaks and you die. (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7)

You need to know why men and women of God do things when they are praying for you for healing. Are laying hands a spiritual ritual? A man of God gets faith and the heart gives it the right emotion but he needs to impart that into your body so that your body receives a spiritual injection that causes the system to react.

For example, a person abuses you and your physical heart is in pain. Someone calls you a name and physically the heart is sick. Your heart is hurt.

Or someone says something that is good and tears start to flow from your eyes. Tears are a physical substance. The body is releasing it because it has gotten a spiritual information.

The person touches you physically but he has released something from the spirit into your spirit and into your soul and now your soul is connecting with your body and is causing your body to heal itself.

Each one of the components of the spirit has its equivalent in the soul.

The soul and the spirit connect with the body through joints, ligaments, nodules, plexuses and glands.

It is in your joints and ligaments that your soul connects with your body. (Colossians 2:19)

In your body, there is a system that is a conductor of energy—the carrier of power. It is the system where the anointing flows. You feel the anointing in the lymphatic system (thymus, spleen, bones). That’s why the prophet Jeremiah says he feels God’s Word burning like fire in his bones. (Jeremiah 20:9) The Word is spiritual and is connected to his body through a system in the body.

There are points in your body that are more sensitive than others. Those are gates that connect your body to your soul.

Power comes in the spirit. From the spirit, it comes into the soul. From the soul, it comes into the body.

Most sicknesses have a connection with the nerves. The nerves are not sending the right information to the organ and it is starving. There is iniquity in the organ that the nerves cannot touch. The iniquity has insulated the organ and it is dying.

We have the nervous system (plexuses), the endocrine system (glands) and the lymphatic system (nodules).

It has been proven that it is not only the brain that learns but you can also train other parts of the body to learn something as the brain learns it because the systems are connected.

All sicknesses begin in the spirit as a spiritual substance and sends the information into the heart and the heart begins to cause the body to believe that you are sick. Your body is not wise enough to know whether you are sick or not. You have to convince it. “I think I am sick.”

From “I think I am sick” becomes “I think I have a headache.” You go to the doctor and he tells you that you have cancer. You tell your body that you have cancer. Your body then thinks that cancer means rebellion and tells the cells in your body to rebel. Cancer cells are rebellious cells—they rebel against the organ and seduce and convince other cells. It is the rebellion that comes and releases the wrong emotion. It produces bitterness.

The problem is not cancer; the problem is rebellion. Go in the spirit to deal with the rebellion, heal the heart and it then produces joy, forgiveness, mercy and love, the brain will command the glands to change and release that which connects with joy, and the body will begin to heal itself. After the rebellion is dealt with, in the soul there will be a desire to live. The desire to live causes you to become obedient and you learn to forgive. By forgiving, the body says, “Okay, that’s what you want now” and the brain releases the right substance and the body heals itself.

Jesus came to make you whole. (Colossians 2:9-10)

Anything that is negative that comes to the heart produces negative emotions that begin to interfere with the chemistry of the body. The toxic chemicals interfere with the flow of energy in the body.

An organ is sick because it is not getting enough power.

That’s why when you pray and pray and pray and the organ gets the right charge, the germs or the disease or the bacteria has to leave because the charge in the organ does not accommodate it.

The organs inside can be so charged that the charge comes onto the skin that when you touch someone and the person feels the anointing.

You need to have the right emotion. Emotions are created when people see the right image. [Editor’s note: Taste and see that the LORD is good. (Psalm 34:8)]

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